Summer birthdays could be luckier.
If your birthday is in May, then you're a very lucky person, according to the results of a recent study.
More than 40,000 people took part, and were asked to give their date of birth and whether they felt lucky or not.
People born between March and August thought they were luckier than those born between September and February, with May proving the "luckiest" month.
Scientists think the weather might have something to do with the results, but need to do more research to prove it.
Psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman said:"The good news for winter-borns is that people can improve their luck by being more optimistic and making the most of the opportunities that come their way."
Dear Students, Don't you think that luck comes from looking on the bright side of life? Do you think the date of your birth can have any effect on your luck?
Hi mrs Nikui
my birthday is in August so I am lucky person.
But I think we can not istimate lucky with date of birth. I think in fact we should go by lucky and should not wait that lucky go by us
Zeinab Hoshyar
Marzie: I am agree with this news but not completely. I think that the month of ur birthday can effect on ur behavior but there are a lot of things that effect on ur luck too.
Zohre & naime: we are not agree with this result. We think that this is our insight about life make our luck.
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We think if everybody is more optimistic and make the most of the opportunities so he/she will be lucky and this matter is not dileiter to weather
Atieh said chance effect on our life but not completely .
Bahareh said if some one had strong believe about this passage it may influence on her or his life .
Zahra said she never has any believe about “luck” & everyone is responsible for her own fate .
WE think that it is realy valueless. And it was a big repetation. luck isn't depend on birthday or anything else.But the important problem is trying to reach the goal.
My birthday is in July and if the prob was true I would be happy.
Maryam has born in the luckiest month May but she think she is very Unlucky! ArezoO has born in OctobeR & SarA has born in JulY! But Sara says I'm not luvkier than ArezoO at all!
we think that this is not true and we ourselves can make goOd chnaces in life!
Quite right dears. You get nothing unless you go for it and put your most effort into it.
yes , i think the luck has a soft connection to our berth same it has a soft connection to our heart .
my birthday is in augoste this month is very good because my birthday in it i like god because he is very kind hi like me because my birthday in augoste.
I think a season we born in it doesn’t have any effect on our life. in my opinion we made the basis of our life with our hands and god help us to pass events of our lives and our success depends on us. So we should just try to be lucky and we shouldn’t be hopeful about something like season.
In my opinion we can make good chance for our selves in several times.we should use our ability in everything to be successful and it doesn’t depends on the season at all and this matter built by illmind and those person who want to pretend that they are innocent.
in my opinion there is no relation between the zate of borning anz luck.it just depenzs on our attemp .if we try we will be succesful and if not we wont be ! anyone get result according to her/his attemp! if it is true so what about Gods judgement?!i think this kinnds of izeas just make us lady !azadeh gholaminejad
This depend on persons belive I think if a person think that it is a reality surly it happen for him/her but if some body like me don’t belive to them they cant have influence on him/her life
i think time of birth can't lucky our. only thing that can lucky our this is, payatention to God and try in our workand we gust help of him.
I believe the date of birthday cant bring luck.being luck may be similar for all.the people can improve their luck by being more optimistic and using the most of the opportunities.there fore we should think and do correct.
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