One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought his pet monkey along for the long journey.
When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm overturned their ship. Everyone fell into the sea, and the monkey was sure that he would drown. Suddenly a dolphin appeared and picked him up.
They soon reached the island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back. The dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?"
The monkey replied, "Yes, I do. In fact, the king of the island is my best friend. Do you know that I am actually a prince?"
Knowing that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, "Well, well, so you are a prince! Now you can be a king!"
The monkey asked, "How can I be a king?"
As the dolphin started swimming away, he answered, "That is easy. As you are the only creature on this island, you will naturally be the king!"
MORAL: Those who lie and boast may end up in trouble.
Hello my dear teacher.
this story has very good advise for everybody that hear and use it.
But why do some people lie for their problems resolve???
Dear Zahra, I guess they do not understand the value of honesty and truthfulness. They think lying can help them to reach their desires, but even if they can meet their goals, they have missed their human qualities and sustained a loss.And they should wait for the day to see the reaction of their conduct.
The god’s worshipper in fact king . because god`s spirit in worshipper`s soul
in the world there are many persons like that monkey . they think that all over the world is for them and they kill many people . they must died.
I think this is true .live alone is king
we had another story like this called:شازده کوچولوhe go to a planet he saw a prince who was alone there heis so fat he is prince there for him self!
at last,telling lies
So9e month ago isow a film that a perspon (after som e problems)be come alone in a leaved island .
It is a very big crime .
i tink in this story dolphin to poor the donkey oppressed and he livse donkey in island that is empty of people
this story is very close to our culture.someone who tells lies that lie couses to opprobrium.
and whenever you tell a lie finally you will be in trouble.
this monkey is very lie and this dolphin is wise because know this monkey say lie
I think this dolphin is very clever and this monkey is very lier and bad-hearted.thankyou.babye
I like dolphin because it helps the monkey but I don't like monkey because it is very proud. Thank you.
if we just can remember that this world is not empty and the people is like us , then we donot thik about power or ... . and we think about all . we think about love ...
Zahra said it is not fair that he (the monkey) die because of his dreams .
Atieh said our life depend on the society
I think lie is a very dirty word, telling lie is dirtier than its name. I hate liars. I always endeavor to don't tell lie. In this story if the monkey didn't tell lie , maybe he didn't have to live alone in island , when we tell lie for something , after it we are in trouble.
This monkey is very liar. I don't like look like him. Because the important things in life are policy and I don't like to ell lie .
of this story can to conclude tht talling lies always cause is shame so should we know by talling lise never wont want cucceessful and in all wrk must we will truthfull.
One today one students in our class said GOD can give all of people than they can not spek but the never gives
Mother because she need for growup the child and /heaven in the mothers foods
Spinach Plant
Probably native to Asia, spinach came to Europe in the 12th century. Its popularity grew worldwide during the 1920s when its nutritional value was discovered. The spinach plant is rich in vitamin A, riboflavin, and iron.
God so not like lie and boast.if he helps you and win the work but when he is understand you are lie.he is than your work . but because he is kind only he is put alone you !!...do i lie to my God ?!!!
Your story is very funny &in my opinion monkey is very funny too, and this story educate us not to say lie. And the dolphin is very selfish because he didn’t say monkey that any body don’t live in this island.
i think , those who lie and bost end up in trouble . some in this world and some body in that world
hi this story said that dolphin is very clever and moncky is very lier.this story very near to our culture.
1) We shouldn't become disappointed.
2) We should always tell the truth.
I think that is so interesting that be alone and be a king with our self. And I decide to you that got experience about it
This story show us that most of the time lying make big bother for us and one lie made us to say a lot lie after it and nobody have confidence about us when we are known as a lyer.
According to these story we shouldn’t tell lie because after that we will be forced to tell lie again and they will bother us . we must infruduse our selves to others hear ever that we are because it will be better for us.
We lose our friend , their help and support through lieing. So why do we need to lie? Truth maybe bitter but lie is worse than it. Human always hate liars.
Some times lie maybe save your life but this lie risk your life an other times
Monkey is similar to the human that want to gaine their goal with any ways even through lies.
Dolphin similar to the human who is clever and is not tricked from liars.
* mina + maryam + mina + Farve + zohre= M3FZ*
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