One night a man had a dream.He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other to the Lord.When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. he noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that at the worst times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. How could you leave me when I needed you the most?"The Lord replied " My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of suffering and when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
Hello my teacher.
this story is beautiful and true but I think our God is in ourself so we must believe it to we can see it.
Do you think my definition is true or false?!?!
Yes you are right dear Zahra.God is whithinhuman beings and He helps and supports all His servants.
My dear teacher I think we aren't frequently good human for God because we usually remeber him when we have a problem and the other times forget him!!!!!
what a worth human???
this story is a very beautiful imagination of the great relationship between god and mankind. and it is realy true. God love mankind one by one and every body just like a child
very beautiful story. it shows that god is always kind to us.
one day we were in the English class and any body don't study the lesson .
we wanted God to help us and the teacher don't ask us some difficult question . God help us and we went to the site.
thanks a lot God!!!!!!!!
I love god because he help us in difficult scenes. In fact god always follows us but we don’t see him.
thank you for your beautiful story.
oh yes we dont always see god's footprints but he always near us and help us.
good bye
God is very kind . he help his servants in problems .so we should thanks him with : say prayers , to help others…
the lord is very kind and never set we at liberty. the lord is always with me at worst times and saddest times in my life and he always helps us .
this man see on footprints and wants lige good and say to lord and lord say to man I love you and
always help to you
hello my teacher
I am sure my God love all this servants and he helps them in all jobs.thank you.babye
I heard this story one year ago . at that time I believed it and loved that , because this story happened for me . when i had a problem i thought God leaved me but he was with me all of the time and he never leave me .
God who is affectionate and
very kind,who provides of every body's needs , who is great and creator of the world never leave us . i love him very much
it is one of the wonderfull story that i heared during my life.
i think this story is realy true and god care of us and carryus . im sure that he is so kind.
In my view actually all the people belonged to in god. & all walks of life we can notice god’s foot prints because only he is able to helps us to all events of whether good or bad ;even though once open a time since we rely on god so much we get angry at him. but god always helped us.
In my opinion god is very kind and he don't like we are sad.so he helps us in our problems and when he carieds us means he fixes the lifes.god is very kind as mother.
when the mother carieds her baby she wants her baby isn't sad.
when god caried us we are relaxation as when mother caried the baby.
In my opinion God is very kind. He never dosen't leave us. I think we only remember God when we have many problem. Also God in this time helps us , so he carrieds us that we forget our problem and don't sad from them.
It meanes only God can fixes our life and he is very kind as our mother…
hi my dear and happy techer :
its a nice and fine story that remember us that the god is here when we think he is not !
thnx for your reminding.
I have experienced and felt his kindness deeply and I think that just one sentence can describe his kindness to us: "نحن اقرب الیه من حبل الورید"
ensha'allah we understand how lovely our GOD is!
god is kind. we may forget him but he is always thinking about us.
I think just my God with me when I am alone.
my God is only want me just for me & he know that I want whatthing when I need it.
God is very kind. He always thinking of me . He meet's our needs. I own them.
I think the God is helping us every where.and we can always feel him.
zahra sadat hejazi
In my aidia always God is along . God hand always is in the my hand and he he help me .
If we have some problems God solves that problems .
hello my dear teacher I have a similer idea like my another firend and I can complet their speak that god help you even in the time that you think god forgot you for ever
it show that the God is very kind and he help us every were.
When we have a difficult and we have a many hard problem just God can help us until we can bear hard
God is very kind and he is always with us he always thinks about us he always helps us to solve our problem and he is in our heart.
God always with our , but , we don,t see him . for see he just is necessary that we better know our God.
hello miss nikui
have good day
this story is very important for our live we must teach this story that the god always with us and we never are not alone .
it is very very to affect. i was read the story one years ago.i think
god in painful time ,more than any time tobe alert hewmans.
this sytory said to us:this story is very important for our life and if we have some problem god solves that problems.
God is always with us especially in difficulties and troubles. We should trust God when confronting many difficulties
God hellp us in every thing and all the time . we have to remember God all the time .we have to count our blessing .
god is kind .god always help us.we may forget himbut god never forget us.
This story is about God and his helps in our life All the people that believe in that God is nearest to ours than every things we think about it and this came in koran .
When for a person happen a very sad events,he always wants help from other people that they may heip him or no.But he forget his God, This sad events that happen for him is from his God and bcause of the God's love to him, God will help him to solve his problem and always God is our protector
God is the creator.He created humans and loves them .He examines humans by different difficult problems but he never leaves them.Infact he also gives the solution and guides them.He gives glad tidings to have a good life in other world as a prize for human's patience.(Fatemeh Salehi)
I don’t know why we call god and come back to him just in problems? Why when we are happy and have a beautiful life we forget that there is one who creat us – help us in sadness time & everytime he look after us?we forget the main reason of creature and existence of men. This story remember us these and this fact that God is every wher and every time we want to talk to him he listens carefully he help us without we realize. we must just be patient every thing became true.
according to this story God is with us during happiness and sadness and he never leaves us. he can solves our problem and help us .without wanting any thing.
And at the end we can find no one who love us as much as God .
all the time we have a good guardian that he is like a nurse for us and looks after us in hard situation, but sometimes we think that he abandon us , but in this time he looks at us and help us to tollarate this problem.
By reading this story I found God love his creature and help them very much. If he will not help us in the life we can’t pass the events of life successfully so we should thank him so much because of his help and gaidness.
Human is a part of God’s soul so he never leaves us alone.
If we have to copy with a lot problem we mustn’t complain and surrender because only God know the reason of these happening.
So just trust him.
God assisting us in all of the time specially when wehave many problems and we think God forget us but in these occasions God take care us more than the other occasions
God likes all of the humans and we shouldnot despair from God
God always is with us and we not payatention to him .God always help to us and we think other person help to us.
God always help us even during our times of suffering but we don't understand it.
When God close one door , he opens an other doors , but often we look so long at the close door that dont see the one wich has opened for us.
God is the best friend and he never leaves us alone. He is closer even that vessel of neck and he is kinder to us more than ourselves.
I think every body should be every place God always be with him or her. God never leave anybody. Sometimes we think God don't attention to us but God always attention to every slave. Because slaves haven't anybody except God.
The god is every where we know this fact but usually we forget it when we are so happy and do not have any problem we forget that there is god or no and when we have a problem and we are sad we go to god and we think he solve our problem I hope one day come that we understand god is always near us
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