Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lack of sleep 'makes you fatter' بی خوابی باعث چاقی می شود

Not getting enough sleep could be one of the main reasons more and more kids are becoming overweight.
An expert in obesity reckons kids are staying up later playing computer games and watching TV in their rooms.

But he says a lack of sleep makes you want to eat sugary food to give you energy - and that piles on the weight.

Not getting enough kip also makes you tired, meaning you're less likely to want to do the exercise which would keep your weight down.

Dr Shahrad Taheri said the chemicals our bodies make to control things like how hungry we feel are affected by how much we sleep.

He reckons one of the first steps towards fighting the problem is taking gadgets, TVs, computers and consoles, out of your bedroom to encourage you to get your head down.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Three nice jokes

The Last Ticket
During a busy holiday weekend, a woman who was eight months pregnant went to the railway station to return home to her husband. At the reservation counter, when her turn came, there was only one ticket left. Taking pity on a very old lady behind her in line, she offered her berth to the old lady and sent a telegram to her husband which arrived with a small error: "Shall be coming tomorrow, heavy rush in the train, gave birth to an old lady."

Chemistry Class
One day, the chemistry teacher asked his students, "What is the chemical formula for water?" Silly Suzie immediately raised her hand. "Yes, Suzie, what's the answer?", the teacher asked. Suzie answered proudly, "The chemical formula for water is 'HIJKLMNO'!" Her teacher looked perplexed. He asked, "What are you talking about?" Suzie replied, "Yesterday you said the formula for water is H to O!"

A Big Decision
A six-year-old boy walked up to his father one day and announced, 'Daddy, I'd like to get married.'
His father replied hesitantly, 'Sure, son, do you have anyone special in mind?'
'Yes,' answered the boy. 'I want to marry Grandma.'
'Now, wait a minute,' said his father. 'You don't think I'd let you get married with my mother, do you?'
'Why not?' the boy asked. 'You married mine.'

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chicken Talk مرغها هم صحبت می کنند

According to new research, chickens make meaningful sounds that refer to objects around them. A pecking chicken that goes "tck, tck, tck," for example, is saying, "Hey look, there's food!"
The discovery marks the first time that an animal other than people, monkeys, and other primates has been found to make sounds that, like words, represent something in the world around them.
Previous studies had shown that male chickens make certain clucking noises when they find food. Other studies had also shown, for example, that chickens make alarm calls when scared by an intruder.The calls differ depending on whether the intruder walks or flies toward them. And other chickens react by looking either up in the air or around on the ground.

So wonderful, isn't it?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bees inspire aircraft scientists هواپیماهایی به اندازه یک زنبور عسل :درسهای پرواز از حشرات

Scientists have been busy getting some flying lessons - from bees.
They're looking at what makes the tiny creatures - and other insects - fly so well as part of a plan to build a very small aircraft.
They've found that the wings of small insects are very flexible, which allows them to lift off the ground and move forward quickly.
The aircraft could be used to get things into dangerous places, as well as secret stuff like spying missions.
One of the scientists said: "This is a very important step forward in understanding how we can create tiny aircraft that could be so useful for us.
"Our work will make the goal of tiny aircraft, perhaps eventually only the size of bees, a step closer."
Some small aircraft measuring only a few centimetres in size have already been built in America, but so far they've only be able to stay up for a few minutes.

The Girl Who loved to Draw دختری که نقاشی کشیدن را خیلی دوست داشت

Sophie was ten year old and loved to draw. She drew before breakfast. She drew after breakfast. Sometimes she even drew on her way to school.
Sophie liked to draw strange things. She drew pictures of wild green dragons and castles and monsters! She also drew normal things: her house, her dog called Stomper, her school. She even drew her teachers.
One day Sophie arrived late at school.
“Why are you late, Sophie?” asked her teacher.
'I'm sorry, Miss, I was drawing the big house on the way to school. I forgot about the time.”
'Oh Sophie,' said her teacher. 'You must think less about your drawing and more about school. Can you give me your homework now please?'
'I’m sorry, Miss, I don’t have it.'
'Why not, Sophie?'
'Yesterday I was in town. I saw a man running down the road. He had an interesting face so I drew him.'
The teacher gave Sophie a strange look. 'But Sophie, there was a bank robbery in town yesterday...'
'Perhaps that was the man I saw,' said Sophie. 'Perhaps I have drawn a picture of the robber!'
After school, Sophie went to the police station. She showed her picture to a policeman.
'Where did you get this picture?' asked the policeman.
'I drew it,' said Sophie. 'I drew it yesterday in town.'
'This is a picture of Ronnie the Robber,' cried the policeman. 'So Ronnie robbed the bank! Thank you Sophie. Now we can arrest him.'
Now her teachers were very proud of Sophie, the girl who loves to draw.

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