I was walking down life's highway a long time ago. One day I saw a sign that read, "Heaven's Grocery Store".As I got a little closer the door came open wide, and when I came to myself I was standing inside. I saw a host of Angels, they were standing everywhere. One handed me a blanket and said, "My Child shop with care". Everything a Christian needs is in that grocery store, and all you can't carry, come back the next day for more.
First, I got some Patience, Love was in the same row. Further down was Understanding, needed everywhere you go. I got a box or two of Wisdom, a bag or two of Faith, I just couldn't miss the Holy Ghost, it was all over the place. I stopped to get some Strength and Courage to help me run this race, but then my blanket was getting full, and I remembered I needed Grace.
I didn't forget Salvation to save both you and me. Then I started to the counter to pay my grocery bill.Then I said to the Angel, "How much do I owe"? The Angel smiled and said, "Just take them everywhere you go." Again, I politely asked "How much do I really owe?" The Angel smiled again and said, "My Child, Jesus Paid Your Bill A Long Time Ago."
I wish All people could choose
In his name
In fact we can not buy these thins from shops.
But god give theme to us so cheep.
We need many things in our life and we can't buy them from some shops or stories .like faith , patience , love and…
We must get them with hardworking and we must remember God in every time .
I hopeful I can some day be in heavens becuase every each they reached moslim to happines be in it and with by these things reached to happy of this world and hearafter
how a intresting shopping!i think if there was such as this shop everywhere we had a wonderful life.but this one was
an Exception one.
Great sayings you have! dears,although we do not have such shops in this world, but in reality God has created and granted us all these great qualities.Our duty in this world is to practice them. And Love, Paitiance, Understanding, Wisdom, Strength, courage, and Grace all are God's blessings within us and there is no need to shopping.
If we have all of these adjectives together; I'm sure that we will go to heaven.thank you...........
Yes you are right dear Reihaneh. Hope we can be God's representative in earth.
i wish that i was there too.
if i be there i bought a little love and i gave it to one of my friend that i fell in love her called :((simin)).
if some where was that shop i ready too give all money to buy some love for this earth !!! its a atracctive story
if we can be in this situation we will get all of good adjectives it is very enjoyable.
zahra susan zeynab .vahedyan .zohreh .Kh
Passage2:MS Nikui: this story can show us. Lying can not make us an impartan persian. And at last we will fall in trouble . in this story monkey did not want to tell the truth (that is a ugly animal) to show th dolphin . he is a prince! But he is end was not good.
people who had these thinks is very salvation. because these come from prophets.
We must pay money for secular things ,but good riches the same as Faith ,patience, salvation , and etc… we mustn't pay much money for them and God gives them to us easily .
I like I am in his shoes and choice the best things for my self. If I was in his shoes I don't have any wishes .
the anonymous message above is for me.excuse me.
i think take all of them to every were go is very hard and every body do this work is lock.
We need to Patience, Love, Strength, Courage, Grace and Salvation for reach to Heaven. We can reach to Heaven with a little accuracy.
In my opinion god gives us very things, he gives us: very beautiful thing, love, patience, strength, courage, and other things, because he is very kind and love me and he is good keeper for me.
if we want to buy this thing we have to pay all possessions and wealth so , my god thanks you .
the think that i give at this story it's as fallows:
if we take our time far nice works , we attention to happiness
God has given us all the goods. All of us are born with a pure nature.
It’s the big store with all the things that people need them to be hope that they can go to heaven. And we can use them with out paying any money .
we need many thing in our life and we cant buy them from shop for example love
All of us know that a real believer need this specifications that are told in the story and our messenger teach us the way of reaching to them and if we pay attention to them during the life we will accept
To go to the heaven.
I think love, patience and something that we could buy them and also if we can buy them a big injustice will be happen. A person who always do the the best and someone who always do the worst are equal just by buying good deeds. I think it's really funny that in the other worldgood person and bad person have equal fate and someone else fix our fate .
Fuith,truthful,pahence and salaration are good actons. if we do them,God get will give us the best greads and rejested them in our letters of actios and reward us.
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