Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Now a study shows those declines coincide with the use of a new generation of antidepressants.
McKeown notes that other recent research has suggested that these same drugs can put adolescents and young adults at greater risk for suicidal behavior.
While rates are declining among the young and the old, rates of the middle age group, those between 25 and 64, have remained relatively unchanged over 20 years.
McKeown believes a variety of factors, not simply better antidepressants, is helping to lower suicide rates. "Maybe it has something to do with the new treatments. Maybe it has something to do with the economy. Another possibility is the increase of healthy life expectancy. Could it be that the things we have learned about trauma care enable us to help people who have attempted suicide who in earlier years might have died?" he asks.
McKeown calls for more research to evaluate more precisely the role of drugs and therapy, and why suicide rates are declining for one group but not for another.
Suicide among teens!!!! What's the reason? And the solution?
به نظرمن علت خودكشي جوانان امريكايي
راضي نبودن از زندگي و خانواده وخود
است.آنها از بودن لذت نمي برند ودليل
آن بي ديني است .به فرموده شهيد مطهري
بد ترين حالت وقتي است كه انسان به يك
مذهب پايبند نباشد.تابراساس اعتقاد
خودخيلي اعمال ناشايست راانجام ندهد
البته تبليغات ضداسلام دولتشان نيز
بي تاثير نيست
I think young adults often experience stress, confusion, and depression from situations occurring in their families, schools, and communities. Such feelings can overpower young people and lead them to consider suicide.
The other factors for suicide are : previous suicide attempt, History of mental disorders (particularly depression), History of alcohol, Family history of suicide, Family history of child maltreatment, Feelings of hopelessness, Barriers to accessing mental health treatment ,Loss (relational, social, work, or financial) ,Physical illness ,Easy access to lethal methods
Unfortunately few schools and communities have suicide prevention plans.
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