Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born.
He asked God:
"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I goingto live there being so small and helpless?"
God: "Among the many angels, I chose one especially for you. She willbe waiting for you and will take care of you."
Child: "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but singand smile, and that's enough for me to be happy. Will I be happythere?"
God: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you everyday.You will feel your angel's love and be happy."
Child: "How am I going to be able to understand when people talk tome if I don't know the language that men talk?"
God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words youwill ever hear. With much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
Child: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
God: "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
Child: "I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"
God: "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her own life."
Child: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."
God: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earthcould already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly:
"Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
God: "Your angel's name is of no importance. You will call your angel ... Mommy."
Hello my teacher.I am arezoo sharbati.this story is very beautiful.Ihave the same idea with god.I think my mother like angels.thank you for this story.babye.
hi! this story was very nice.and i want to say to my mother: I want you to know that i love you every day much more than.my words can express... like the snowflakes of winter you fill my heart with the magic of your love like the bright spring your love for me is evergreen.like sunny summer you fill my life with your shine smile.
like the mellow fall you keep me in your thoughts.
MOm you are also in my thoughts and prayers...
just wanted to thank you for all your support.
beauty of your love and care....
beauty of your smiles and laughter....
you are some one who makes this world beautiful.
i dont know why my name didnt type i sent this story by
shohreh yousefi
Thank you Shohreh. What a beautiful piece of writing! You are great at English. Wish you the best dear.
hi my teacher.
I am very well .
I hop that you are good
waoooooo this story is very very fun for me and
it is diferent story.
I think , I live only for my mom . every mom want that her child to be happy and helth.
but found children that are not kind with mom.
well, my mom love me and I love my angle'life.
hi my teacher.
I am very well .
I hop that you are good
waoooooo this story is very very fun for me and
it is diferent story.
I think , I live only for my mom . every mom want that her child to be happy and helth.
but found children that are not kind with mom.
well, my mom love me and I love my angle'life.
hi teacher
Parents are angel. My parents help tome very much. They love me and my brother and my sister. They struggle in order that. I success in life .
this story is very interesting mrs Nikui thank alot!!!
hi mrs nikui
this story is very hnteresting
yhanks alot
hi mrs nikui
this story is very hnteresting
yhanks alot
my mother is areally angle.there is no diffrent between mother & angles.theycare of us even befor borning.
Thank you for this story it is veryyyyyyyyyyyy good
Hello my dear teacher. This story is very nice but I think our parents are better than angles because they live for their children!!!
actually God didn't create humans like these.
oh,yes oll mothers are kind angles.all mother's place will be hevean
my mother is my good angel.she is my life.This story let me know my mother.
hello my friend.this story is very interesting .thank you for this fun story .
hello my friend.this story is very interesting .thank you for this fun story .
hello my very good techer .
This story is very nice because point better drive state persson with gad we know mother is better's angel.we should thank mother.
see you later.
i donot understand thiss tory
you are very very very very very...
bahal and you are like give me 0
hello my teacher.that right mother is angel in earth.
bye bye
Name of my angel is mother.
My mother is very kind and she loves me and my family .my mother sometimes don't go to sleep and work for us .
hi my teacher. I am fatemeh. my idea for this story is this child have a good angel because angels this child is her mothers and mother is the most better angel for everybody and this child .
thank you
Mothers or mommy's are best angels in world . Bhus every
One to express to his /her morder.
The heaven is under mother's foot.
I love my mother very much . she loves me and my family ,too
This name angel is very good for them .
thanks alot
HELLO.MOTHERS ARE very good and they are very kind.and they are have many problem . they are in sky
we think baby is very cute and mother is a angel for child she is very kind.
Heaven under is mothers foods and we can speak with God by pray .
hi my teacher
it is a good story but why we cant see our god
In my opinion too actually the mothers is an Angel.
All mothers are actually kind. when childern have a problem they help them. While childern are upset mothers too upset and while childern are happy mathers too happy. Idon't leave my mother because I very like my mother.
that was very kind of you.i didnt write all of that i wrote some parts.your weblog is very complete & intresting.and in my opinion if you add some jokes and riddles it will be more intresting.
I belive that mothers are all of the our life. mother is very kind I hope that we can say thanks all of her afords.
every one knows thet how much the mothers are kind and no one deny it.having the feeling of being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in life and having a mother is the best gift from God in the world.instead of this kindness they expect us sth that we should do them.
I said oll of the mothers are'nt angel.Every day we read in newspaper:a mother kills her small child.Is she a angel ?
Do you think a angel can killsher baby?Is the child oll of the mother's life?
so she is not a angel and not a human.also 99% of the mothers are the best angels.
for example :my mother is oll of my life .because she is very kind.
mother whether good or bad she is mother because she gives birth to a child and brings up the children
also she can good angel.
who learned us to speak?
who learned us to walk?
who learned us to smile and to sing?
who learned us to pray?
who taught us love?
no one could not learn these except the mother.
My dear students, Hope God guards all your great MOTHERS. In fact, they are real angels in your life.Do your best to draw their attention and respect them highly.
Foroozan , thanks for your nice poem.
Every one in the earth have a angel but every one must search and fount his own angel . my angel are my parents because they want to salvation and success
when i read this story i cry bicuse i think i donot have merit of this angel .
i love my mom and i hope one day i can amends her love.
but we think our mothers are more than angels they have sent us to the earth as well!!! so we should thank them for this...
shima khodadadi:
I love my mother and i believe real angle is mother and
I hope the children thanks for their mothers
In my view mother the best of angles. I love nobody in this world the same as my mother. Because nobody likes mother for other doesn’t self-sacrifice.
Surely, mother is an angel , somebody who doesn't give birth to a child but look after him or her is better, and more respectful than mother.(she is angel^2 !)
This story want say to the humans that you are not for this world and you must at last go in grave that in there only your spirit are with you.
This story want talk about mommy .She is better angle, I see. She is talk care of we were baby. She teaches us how to speak and our hand’s together and was teach we how to pray. She is very kind and she is personal that defend we even if it means risking her own life. She is affluence of God.
In my idea mother is the best angle for baby, she is always with us and she is able to help us better than any one. She is very kind and she is an angle from god.
All of people has a nice place the first,the first world of child is very quite calm and but when he/she come to this big world there are so much.problems and hard problems but god send an an angel for everybody and the best guidence and the best angel for a child and for every one is mother.
all of the people have an angle but they are don'tshow him and we are don't usethem.
this is the beautiful story and amazing one. its true that our mother is our angle. and some of us forget this.
Mother is the best angle for every one.
I believe that mother are all of the life.mothers are vary kind
Angels always exist , but because don’t
Have wing , we are saying; mother and
Father. The grate blessing of God is
Parents. All of mothers patiently grow
Her childs. They like her baby and help
Her because God order to them that
Learn us to live. In fact the heaven
Is under the mother’s foot.
I think I am a lucky persin that I have mother and I do not want to inconvenienceher she is all my life and if Ilose her I can not continue my life.All the mother are very great and they take pains very much for growing up their children .When we were child they suffered hardship , they like this difficulty because they can see their children's development and sometimes they had to stay up at night to their children have a good sleep and the children can not responsible for their pains .
realy our mother are angle.they are so patient.from our childhood that we are weak they care us until we grow.they learn us many things.we should respect her and thank God because of this bellesing.
i think my angle is a realy angle becays she at all lif's worrid for me and sevral of us sometims not payatention her.she always care us and we sometims forget her,too
in my opinion mother is the best angel and during my life she help me . she look likes kind angel care me and teach me any things
Mother is the best creature . when we born , she look after us . when we go to school , she wait us that we come back and explain for her what happen in school for us. When we … . Mother tolerate every hardship that her children live in peace . I love all kind mothers.
Mother is a angel because of take care of you when we child she sing for us and smile for us every day 2when we was growing up she always prays for us that our life is very good and she always look after us and support us when we face to dangerous in fact she is better than angel I love her very much
Mamyis the babys angel because mother loves baby and look after of baby and baby loves her. I like my mother very very very much.
better angel in earth is momy when people go to the world seeing your angel she is momy. God protect me. choose better angel in earth she care me and teach me many things really i love you momy.
Hi my teacher!
I think about that :our best angle than god are our mother .our mother are very kind ,because they are gods angles and god creative them.
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