A hi-tech model of a spaceship which will let ordinary people go on out-of-this-world trips has been put on show for the first time.
British billionaire Sir Richard Branson wants to make the dream of space travel come true for millions of people.
The tiny spacecraft is designed to carry six passengers and two pilots some 120kms (75 miles) above the Earth.
The first flight is set to blast off in 2009 and tickets for SpaceShipTwo will cost about £100,000 - so start saving!
The spaceship's technology could also be used in airplanes and could eventually allow people to travel between London and Sydney in half an hour, said Sir Richard.
Would-be passengers will undergo three days of training before putting on spacesuits for the zero-gravity voyage.
The craft's white trendy clutter-free inside has seats that tip back to allow for a less jolting return into Earth's atmosphere and several round windows positioned from floor to ceiling.
Tens of thousands of people have already said they want to go on the trip - and 200 people have put down a deposit on tickets.
There are also plans for a TV reality show based in space and a lottery with winners getting flights.
Sir Richard said: "We hope millions of people will travel into space."
Last Updated: Friday September 29 2006
Hello my teacher.I am your student arezoo sharbati.I think Sir Richard Branson intresting think for to travel spatial.I hope one daye reach that we go to the spatial.babye
I wish to fly in the sky and see the Milkyway.I joy for invention
I happy for invention this airplane piople can travel to out of the earth and see many star
hi and bye!!!!!!!!!
ciao to my teacher and my good friends .
hey children you must write your last name too.
a bout this new:
...travel to space by one new spaceship for me is better than all of good things there is in world .
I think the tiny spacecraft should designd to carry more passengers , because millions of people want to travel in to space .
if i go there i don't return in to Earth's .
I wish a very good travel for that millions of people will travel into space .
by the way i want to start saving money for get ticketsfor spaceshipTwo . perhaps God wanted and suddenly i travel in to space ...
thanks Mrs nikui
Dear Zahra, Hope you'll fulfill your dreams.But As I told you, God have created you to live a good life on earth. You can never stay on other planets since you have so much duty and responsibility here on earth that you shouldn't avoid them.
Wish you a good take off and the best landing!
My idea about this story:I just say this story is a dream that will be might in next years .
Penguin, common name for 17 species of flightless seabirds widely distributed in cooler waters and along coastlines in the Southern Hemisphere. Skilled swimmers, penguins have streamlined, barrel-like bodies that reduce drag in the water. Their wings, modified to form thin, stiff flippers, provide propulsion while swimming. Unlike the bones of other birds, penguin bones are solid, not hollow, which helps them remain submerged underwater. On land penguins have a waddling gait due to their short, thick legs set far back on the body. Penguins come ashore to breed, but they are, in fact, true marine animals, spending as much as 80 percent of their lives at se
exeusme that my comment for penguins
Astronomy, study of the universe and the celestial bodies, gas, and dust within it. Astronomy includes observations and theories about the solar system, the stars, the galaxies, and the general structure of space. Astronomy also includes cosmology, the study of the universe and its past and future. People who study astronomy are called astronomers, and they use a wide variety of methods to perform their research. These methods usually involve ideas of physics, so most astronomers are also astrophysicists, and the terms astronomer and astrophysicist are basically identical. Some areas of astronomy also use techniques of chemistry, geology, and biology.
In my idea it is very good that we can travel to space but it is very stressful and very difficult. we are in small country and we cant go to space it is very expensive too.
traveling into space is very attractive and every body like to travel this trip.mrs anoshe ansari went to the moon.last year it is a dream for every body.the human want to find out that what's in other side of the moon and how's into space.spaceships have taken so many picture from the moon and we know there are so many holes-mountains an rocks in the moon and there isn't any water and plant lif.in it with the best.
Science and technology has developed so much in all aspects of life.
It is a good news for all people in the world but I think some ordinaly people Exist that don’t have enough money to go to the space with this spaceship
Because it needs some money and some ordinaly people will to die frustrated and it is so doleful
Being in space and living there is an unusual experience that few persons do it until now.most of peoples wish to go space but its condition is very hard and it 's impossible for ordinary people.we know that but only its imagination is a very big happiness for us
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