A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
This story teaches two lessons:1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them.
hi miss nikui If in life you do evil to other people in reality you do evil to yourself.
In commemoration of sohrab:
زندگی رسم خوشايندی است
we must not pay atention to sombody
we have a kind god that he help us
nope is very important every each have not hope is one dead.
if`the frogs thought my self dead .his dead too,
I hope all of the frogs be deaf
because the world is full of some person that they want our lose
bye bye
It was a beautful story and I learned that the confidence is very important.
it is a beautiful story and i hope every humans be deaf when some body laghe at them
Your Weblog is so good
I like it somuch
Your teaching is excllent
I love you so much!
this story has a good lesson for us that if we want to do something we can.but if we think that we cant we never can.it is up to our opinion.and we should think we can and dont afraid of anything.
hi miss NIKUI .
your weblog have many good story.
this story is full of leason for we.
second frog is a celver and if he listen certainly he died.
hi my teacher . Im fatemeh this frog is very louky because can do works outover listen each voice
thank you
In my opinion at all don't good disappoint ment and if all we are hope.
It when we will to the our works successful. So we should always believe ourselves.
hi my teacher.this story is vry very beautiful.I think this frog has a strong inclination ang climb the pit.babye
maryam says: you should always tell yourself: " I won't let you down."
zahra.m says:incouragment has a big part in success.
farnoosh says:we should believe ourselves.
zahra.s says:it is important that everyone thinks about herself.
tahura: It shows that what we think has a very strong efect on what we do.
its really reall . if we donot think about people and try to do something we want we can be successful .
tha last comment was for me . its really reall . if we donot think about people and try to do something we want we can be successful
hope is last thing to be missed because if we are not opptimistic we don't have any thing so we will lost them all.
Frog (animal), small, tailless animal with a squat body and long, powerful hind legs adapted for jumping. Frogs have large, bulging eyes and moist skin. They typically live on land but spend part of their time in the water. Most frogs develop from small, fishlike larvae called tadpoles or pollywogs that live in water. This life divided between water and land is typical of amphibians, a group of related animals that includes toads, newts, and salamanders as well as frogs.
Your story is very educating and this educates us to solve our problem and this educates us to go up life stairs quickly.
we realize from this story that our life is simply a reflection of our actions.if we are good human and help people,they helped us too and if we want more love in the world,create more love in our heart life will give me back every thing you have given to it then we should be honest life is not a coincidence it's a reflection of us.
This story teaches us the tongue of person is very important.we can encourage people with it and we can destruct a life and we should good work and be kind to people.
Hi my dear teacher
We should learn life from the frog. If we have patience and courage, we will win in our life. In my opinion, if, hundreds people say to us that you can not, we should try and should know who try, s/he will win, surely.
Actually if one person want to thing and hops to that one and futurethat suffices to one.Iwish in some lifes stages,we deap likes frog too until we can minimum with this hopefulness suffice to the some aspiration.
this story teach to us there is power of life and death in the tongue.there is encouraging and destractive word to someone.
We shouldn't disappoint someone who is trying to do something difficult.
this subject show that what we think has a very strong efect on what we do
hope is precondition for life and follow that we can lean on ourselves, therefor we will success and reach to our goal, but we must try and attempt very hard and lean on God so without hope we will fail and despair . without hope life is impossible .
We shouldn’t pay much attention to others speech. We should seprate something that they help us to reach our purpose in this way if somebody encourage us it will help us to became successful because if someone pessimist us we will believe that we can not.
We should make interal motive because if we pay attention to exteral motives maybe one day they disappear by other body, but if we pay attention to interal motive all the time we try to reach to this goal and nobody can not stop it.
this story want to tell us that we should not pay much attention to what other people say.we should have goal in our life and try to reach to it and for that we should pass many problems.
We should have goal in our life if we want to reach to something we should try well and do not pay attention to what other people say because it may have effect on us
we shoud in our life never finish struggle brcuse this work send us to our end . For example if ferst frog as secend frg go on struggle it can livs.
Two frogs
This story said: we can do two works when we involved an alliance. We can try and we free from this alliance or we can sit and grieved for this alliance.
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