Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Spinach is highly nutritious اسفناج بسیار مقوی است

Spinach, noted for making cartoon sailor Popeye strong, may also help to ward off a common cause of blindness.
A team at the University of Manchester believe eating the vegetable protect the eyes.
Their theory is based on the fact that spinach, and several other vegetables, contain lutein, a chemical which helps form a key protective eye pigment. Lutein is found in sweetcorn, kale and broccoli, as well as spinach.
The Manchester team plan a study to test their theory.
Scientists do not yet understand why some people are susceptible, but do know that the disease is linked to smoking, obesity and poor diet.

What are the effect of veggies on your health?


Anonymous said...

definish about the spinach
It was a news about spinach. the cartoon sailor show us the spinach bring to him power which It's true but It bring power to our eyes bu t It's not a rule yet. It is a teory now. there are lutein in the spinach which it found from sweetcorn.

F.Nikui Nezhad said...

Thank you for your comment.
Any way spinach is a useful vegetable, like other kinds of veggies.

Anonymous said...

hi my best teicher
i am well and i hop you are good too.
spinach is good and nesesery
for helth. i know it but i do not eat beacause i do not like this vegetale.
I perefer that eat lettes. love you

Anonymous said...

I eat any spinach beacause it is not nice
Are you eat any spinach???????????

Anonymous said...

In my opinion reason of som of dangerous disease in people this is :
They like the useless food and don`t eat the vegetables and ather useful food . They eat foods like Oil , Suger and ather useless food .
They like this food very much . Do you know why? beacuse this food is delishes than ather food . but for good health we should eat food like Spinach .

Anonymous said...

yes spinach is very important for body spicaly for girls but they do not eat this vegetable & i do not eat it because i do not like it

Anonymous said...

Spinach can help to improve of the eyesight and expriment show that spinach can increas the freeten but i do not like spinach

Anonymous said...

I think that the God's email was the less of the people can join the %95

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear teacher
spinach is full of iron so it is useful for persons that there is a little iron in their body. I think we can study better with to eat spinach and other vegetable!

Anonymous said...

Spinach Plant
Probably native to Asia, spinach came to Europe in the 12th century. Its popularity grew worldwide during the 1920s when its nutritional value was discovered. The spinach plant is rich in vitamin A, riboflavin, and iron.

Anonymous said...

I think all of people know that spinach is a usefull vegetable
one thing is very importat
that is when I was a kide i love his cartoon

i know u think that is very importent too

Anonymous said...

we eat a lot of vejetable in our dite becaus vejetable have a multi vitamine and mineral element yellow vejetable like carrot have a lat of vitamine "A", wich it is usefull for eye . we have to eat everything from different food (meet,fruit,dairy and...)for our helth.

Anonymous said...

spinach is a useful vegtable and it has iron.we must eat very

Anonymous said...

I learn from this text spinach is so useful for health and it is so fortifying vegetable but spinach isnt delicious and I
Don’t like it so I never eat it

Anonymous said...

Every day newspaper and TV and radio advice us to eat vegetable and fruit more and more . They have full of iron and mineral that can protect us against disease .
according to a new research vegetable such as spinach, kale and broccoli can prevent eye`s problem so try to eat vegetable and fruit more.

Anonymous said...

Spiach usfull for evry one and every badyshoud eat it.Borani andAloosfenag are naic food that cooking by spinachand Ilike them very much.

Anonymous said...

The spinach is a useful vegetable. I agree with the Manchester team. I always eat the good and useful vegetable for my health

Anonymous said...

All of weggies are useful such as spinach and kale,broccoli,sweet corn are good for health special for eyes.
they are good for health and it makes our muscle become strong.

Anonymous said...

Spinach is the best food because it has ferrum
But a lot of children don't like it and don't eat the spinach.

Anonymous said...

hi my teacher:
spinach is very useful for the people that have weak body and weak eyes.

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