Eye-popping record holder شکننده رکورد بیرون آوردن چشم
Now this really is one record we don't think you would want to try for - this chap can pop his eyes out of his head!
Claudio Paulo Pinto can make his eyeballs stick out by seven millimetres, which is apparently a record in his home country of Brazil.
He's been doing the trick since he was nine, and has used his skill to work in a haunted house, scaring visitors.
But Claudio's got a way to go if he wants to get the world record of 11mm, held by Kim Goodman of Chicago.
He reckons he's improving his eye-popping level all the time, so he might make this gross title his own.
In case you were wondering, and you probably were, Claudio says it doesn't hurt a bit.
But we really don't recommend trying this yourself.
WoW ; that‘s certainly queer . I can’t believe that . I really like see this man .:D I think pop my eyes out of my head has a lot of hurt . I want to trying it with myself .
My dear English teacher thanks a lot for the picture of this interesting man .
hi!i read this story and i think this man is very fool.and he wants to use his
body in bad ways.in my opinion there are many other things to do to people pay atention to you.and this man is making mistake.maybe he dont know God will be angry with him!
hi,Ithink this man is very clever beacause i can not believer this.
this piople is very little
Some of the people like fame very much and doing act foolishly for that.
In my opinion this act is very insanity , because this is not useful for
society and ather humans and god creates human for serves to ather people.
Some of the people like fame very much and doing act foolishly for that.
In my opinion this act is very insanity , because this is not useful for
society and ather humans and god creates human for serves to ather people.
The human is not bad in essence. In my opinion 50 % fram people are good . but alter people can be good too. When we to be burn, all of we are similar and we are good humans .This is world that alters the humans and makes the good and bad people.The human shoould choices the best way . And as he wish !
با عرض سلام خدمت استاد گرامي
از اين كه فارسي مي نويسم عذر مي خواهم مي خواستم از اينكه اشتباهي يكي از نظر هايم را در اين پنجره نوشتم از شما معذرت بخواهم
Maryam you should say this comment in English .
hurry up maryam ...
say it
we think it was very interesting & strange!Maryam can't believe this but WE can :D
but we won't try this on ourselves because we think that Mr mohammad khan may come & take our eyes & make tower with them :D
we suggest to all persons come & read this comment: Don't try it on yourselves It's really dangerous(this is the point of tonight Remember)
Eye –popping:this could injer our healthy but it is really wonderfull record and make my eyes popping,like a record.
The human can do every work with repeating even he was without knowlage or ingenuity,he must insis on her goal and toleranced stress and problems.
also he must lean on God and work very serious and hard ,so he will sccess.
hi miss nikui
my idea just is this man has wonder eyes
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