Monday, November 22, 2010

Read the jokes!

Teacher: Give me a sentence with the word 'analyze' in it
Pupil: My sister Anna lies in bed until nine o'clock

Baby snake: Mommy, are we poisonous
Mother snake: Yes honey, but why do you want to know
Baby snake: Well, I just bit my tongue

Teacher: "Give me a sentence starting with the letter 'I
Pupil: "I is
Teacher: "No, you must always say 'I am
Pupil: "Okay, 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet

A professor attempting to inspire his students says to his class, "This week is your last chance to study for your final exam next Monday. Time is running out. The exam is now in the hands of the printer. Are their any questions
One student inquires, "How many questions will their be
Another student asks, "Will the exam require essay answers
A third wants to know, "Who's the printer


narges said...

thank you teacher for prtty jokes!!
this is very funy or nice joke.
please again put the joke in your weblog!

razieh said...

hello teacher!!!!!!!
this jokes is verrry funyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi teacher!
this is very funyy!!!

Anonymous said...

hello teacher
this is very good & funy.
i is shirin

Anonymous said...

hello teacher
this is very good & funy.
i is shirin

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