Friday, December 08, 2006

Mobiles 'cleared' of cancer risk آیا استفاده از موبایل بر سلامثی تاثیر می گذارد؟

Mobile phone antennas emit electromagnetic fields that can penetrate the human brain.
But a Danish team found no evidence that this was linked to an increased risk of tumours in the head or neck as had been feared.
The study, of more than 420,000 mobile phone users, appears in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
More than 56,000 had been using a mobile phone for at least 10 years.
They found no evidence to suggest users had a higher risk of tumours in the brain, eye, or salivary gland, or leukaemia.

"The large numbers of subscribers in the study mean we can have some confidence in the results that have not linked mobile phone use to a risk of any cancer, including brain tumours."


Anonymous said...

salam(I mean hello}you said you must say your idea about all of storys but you khow Im a lazy girl and unfortunatly I should send ten commonts to you and the beacuse of that i result all of your story have a good advice

Anonymous said...

I mean should we trust this results? Is ten years of research and survey is enough to be sure that there is no problem from the mobile phone application!!!! or in 30 tears we will see the results? who i sreponsible for that?

Another intresting question is who publish this kind of articles about mobile ( teh article in which mobile is cleared from the cancer risk)and what is his benifits from this article? Are they payed by mobile phone companies to write for them and keep their sells high enough? Who can answer these questions and who is responsible if there is any risk? we will see in some years !

Anonymous said...

Now have evidenced that mobile phone influence of helth.
The electromagnetic fiels of mobile make tired ,depressed ,
Disturbed every human. Reasergher said; if we put one eggs
Among two mobile phone in 15 minit it will be baked.

Anonymous said...

I do not agreewhith this rezultes because use mobile phone is dangerous for people because scholarlys study about this and they said to us using hanzfery instead using
directly mobile phone

Anonymous said...

I think we must use correct and enough of all of things we don’t going to extremes in use of things. We must use all of thing with par we can with these actions always use of everything.

Anonymous said...

sometimes non-scientific maters are spreding in every society like a real and well proved facts thats no doubt can penetrate them . one of them is the relationship between using cell phon and possibility of tumors risk .according to some research there is no sign of this relationship .

Anonymous said...

I belive that technology is very useful for example Mobile you can speak with other people who live every place when you drive car can speak with frind that stay at home by it in future you can see tv programs and listen to radio by it you can send the massage or picture for frind so mobile is communication way in between people

Anonymous said...

Every thing cloud usful or harmful. mobie some time is usful and sometime is harmful.For examplethen a persen photographsomthng that is harmful forother people this heremobil is bad. But in any case mobaile is nation.

Anonymous said...

Every thing cloud usful or harmful. mobie some time is usful and sometime is harmful.For examplethen a persen photographsomthng that is harmful forother people this heremobil is bad. But in any case mobaile is nation.

Anonymous said...

hi my teacher.I am zahra nazemi.I enjoye to this story and I try always use from quske.and use some from mobail.babye

Anonymous said...

use a tecnology is very important in my life. maybe use a mobile phone havent linked to a risk of cancer but i belive elector.magnetic fields that emit from mobile phone are dengrous for users.

Anonymous said...

the people use the mobile and this is very good but every times is not good because the signal of mobile is bad for our body.

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