Monday, November 22, 2010

Read the jokes!

Teacher: Give me a sentence with the word 'analyze' in it
Pupil: My sister Anna lies in bed until nine o'clock

Baby snake: Mommy, are we poisonous
Mother snake: Yes honey, but why do you want to know
Baby snake: Well, I just bit my tongue

Teacher: "Give me a sentence starting with the letter 'I
Pupil: "I is
Teacher: "No, you must always say 'I am
Pupil: "Okay, 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet

A professor attempting to inspire his students says to his class, "This week is your last chance to study for your final exam next Monday. Time is running out. The exam is now in the hands of the printer. Are their any questions
One student inquires, "How many questions will their be
Another student asks, "Will the exam require essay answers
A third wants to know, "Who's the printer

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Effect of Prayer on the Human Body تاثیر دعا بر مغز انسان

This research was carried out by Dr. Newberg, the assistant Professor at X-Ray division of the Pennsylvania University Medical Center, on a group of faithful people who have faith in God , practice their prayers and come from different religious backgrounds.

This as done using Single Photon C.T. scan that shows the flow of blood in the cerebrum using colors which are based on brain activity where the color Red represents high activity and Yellow and Green represent low activity.

The First Image

The image shows the brain before meditation and prayer(on the left) and during prayer (on the right) where we see that during the envolvement in prayers and meditation, blood flow has increased , frontal lobe region is responsible for controlling emotions and agitations in humans.

second image
first image
The Second Image

The image shows a a blood flow decline in the the Parietal lobe at the region where humans sense their time and space limits. It was concluded from these results that during prayer, contemplation and seeking Allah, the limits of self-conciousness dissapear and a feeling of peace and freedom starts in the person and one feels closer to Allah in a way that no words can describe.

NEVER BE UNGRATEFUL هرگز ناسپاس نباش

It was high summer. The sun was extremely hot. Two travelers were going along a dusty road that had no trees along its sides. Looking for some shelter from the hot sun, they saw a tree with big leaves and branches spread like an umbrella.

They placed their belongings on the ground and sat in the cool thick shade of the tree. After taking some rest, one traveler said to the other, "What a useless tree it is! It bears no fruits at all."

Hearing this, the tree felt pinched and burst out, "You ungrateful soul! On one hand, you are taking shelter in my cool shade from the burning heat of the sun and on the other hand, you are calling me useless. Get up and leave the place immediately to be scorched again."

The End..

PEACE OF MIND آرامش ذهن

One cold morning, a poor shepherd was grazing his cattle in a pasture. He neither had enough clothes to wear nor even a pair of shoes.

Suddenly, a man came there on a horse, a famous dacoit. He dismounted, went to the shepherd and said, "Come and work with me. I will give you clothes and shoes. You will not have to worry even for your food."

At this the shepherd replied, "I am content being a shepherd. At least I have peace of mind which you don't have."

Hearing this, the dacoit got stunned and immediately went to the police station and surrendered.

The End..

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